Into the West (1992)

1h 37mlength
Ellen Barkin,Paul Newman,Brendan Gleeson,Gabriel Byrne
A gigantic white stallion appears mysteriously to a Traveller grandfather and his two grandsons in an Irish slum. Since, puzzlingly, the younger of the two boys is the only individual who can control the horse, ownership falls to him and his older brother by default. There being no place for the animal, they move him into the apartment of their alcoholic Traveller father. Police remove him and, in a shady deal, he ends up under control of a wealthy, underhanded horse breeder. The boys manage to retrieve him and escape on his back, but the stallion seems to have his own travelling agenda.—JH
  • 23 Oct 1992 Released:
  • 18 Aug 2004 DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Mike Newell Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
